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East Stroudsburg University's Center for Teaching with Technology


The Center for Teaching with Technology Details

The Center for Teaching with Technology (CTT) at East Stroudsburg University was established in August 2013 to provide support and training for faculty in the thoughtful implementation and use of technology in their courses. The CTT works to ensure students and faculty have an enjoyable, engaging, and meaningful class experience as course components and whole courses trainsition to an online, virtual environment.


The CTT currently consists of: a director, a media specialist, a graduate assistant, a student worker, and an administrative assistant. The nature of the CTT also demands frequent interaction with a variety of parties throughout the university including, but not limited to faculty, staff, administrators, IT, and Instructional Resources.   

Internship Job Description

The intern position within ESU's CTT will be integral to the operations and continued growth of the CTT. The person in this position will be expected to perform in a professional manner in completing all of the following tasks and any other associated tasks: assis directly in structiona design projects; work with faculty and staff to produce online learning objects for use in classes; create written, video, and interactive tutorials and guides for students and teachers for a wide variety of commonly used technologies including Desire2Learn, Blackboard Collaborate, and Mediasite; assist with faculty professional development and training sessions; help develop and expand the web presence for the CTT and ESU's website for Online Classes; and complete any other tasks as needed.


What I believe makes me qualified for this internship

I believe there are several things that make me qualified for an internship with the CTT at ESU. For this internship I will be required to complete many tasks that involve the instructional design process. Throughout my classes at ESU I have learned about and used the instructional design process to complete a variety of different projects. These skills will help me during this internship. The experience and knowledge I have gained from working as a graduate assistant for the CTT also helps make me qualified for this internship and will help me complete the job responsibilities of this internship. My experience with creating written tutorials and videos will help me create tutorials for students and teachers during this internship. I have created webquests, wix websites, and a website using google sites. My website creating experience will help me develop and expand the web presence for teh CTT and ESU's website for Online Classes during this internship. I believe these four aspects help make me qualified for an internship with the CTT at ESU.

Click on the button below to view my internship hours and what I worked on throughout my internship.

Click on the buttons below to view and read about some of the projects and tasks I worked on during my internship.

Disposition Reflection for Internship

Overall, I think I had a successful internship experience. I am interested in higher education and becoming an instructional designer or coordinator for a college or university. This internship will help me reach that goal. I have gained a lot of useful experience and skills throughout my internship. I think one of my major strengths was my willingness to learn how to use new technologies and technologies that I was not familiar with. All the hands on experience with various technologies including D2L, Mediasite, Blackboard Collaborate, various educational apps, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, etc. has helped me grow as an instructional designer. My growth as an instructional designer is supported by my internship supervisor’s comments in the disposition survey he filled out for my internship. He stated, “Julie's critical thinking skills in regards to technology grew tremendously over her internship. Rather than seeing various technology tools in rigid, pre-defined terms, she became more dynamic, utilizing technology to accomplish her goals even if the tools weren't specifically designed to be used in the ways she implemented them.” His comments made me feel like the tasks and projects I completed during my internship were beneficial to him and the Center for Teaching with Technology, which made my internship more meaningful for me. One area that I do need to grow and improve on is my knowledge of html. I did get some experience with html when I would edit the Center for Teaching with Technology ESU webpages as well as when I was recreating PDF files of written tutorials in Adobe Dreamweaver. However, I feel that I just barely broke the surface with html coding. I think I will be a better instructional designer if I know more about html. Overall, I am happy with my internship experience and am looking forward to what is next for me.

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